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Examination Schedule

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General Instructions to all Student Teachers Appearing for B.Ed. Exam

  • Candidates are requested to be in attendance at the place of examination, fifteen minutes before the time appointed for setting of the first paper and ten minutes before the time fixed for setting of each subsequent paper.
  • They are forbidden to take any Book or Paper into the Examination Hall.
  • Seat numbers and places of examination will be announced on the college notice boards four days prior to the date of commencement of the examination.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in the examination hall.

B.Ed. Examination Scheme

SemesterDurationTerm End Exam
I1st Week of July to Last Week of NovemberLast Week of November
IIMid December to Last Week of AprilLast Week of April

ATKT (Allowed to Keep Term)

A student shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number of heads of failure in the Semester I.

Scheme of Evaluations

The performance of the learner shall be evaluated shall be evaluated in two parts:

  • Internal assessment with 500 marks by way of continuous evaluation of the course areas as envisaged in the credit based system by way of participation of learners in various academic and correlated activities in the given semester of the B.Ed. program.
  • Semester End Assessments with 500 marks by way of assessing the performance of the learner in the semester end theory / written examinations.

The Seven Point Grading System

GradesMarksGrade Points
O 70 and Above 7
A60 to 69.99 6
B55 to 59.99 5
C50 to 54.99 4
D45 to 49.99 3
E40 to 44.99 2
F (Fail)39.99 and below 1