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Home > Extension Work > Second Term Training Programme
One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.
– John Fitzgerald Kennedy

To bring the difference in the world Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension, University of Mumbai is striving since many years. They are taking efforts to train the students to bring the change in the world. Pillai HOC College of Education and Research, Rasayani in association with Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension conducted Second Term Training Programme for the Extension activities at Pillai HOCL Educational Campus on 10th December, 2015. The professor-in charge and student managers from various colleges of Raigad District had attended this training. Approximately 57 participants had taken this training. The guest for the programme was Dr. Kunal Jadhav and his team. Also 10 Field Coordinators had attended the training.

They briefed everyone about the extension activities in detail. It was a proud privilege for Pillai HOC College of Education and Research to have been given chance by University of Mumbai to have such kind of training in their campus.